
Bickley Park School

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Breakfast Club, After School Care & Transport

Breakfast Club, After School Care & Transport

Pre and post school day arrangements are available to support working parents.

Breakfast Club

A breakfast club is available for our pupils, for 3 ½ years old and above, from 7.00am, the cost of which is £7.20 per day.

If you wish your child to attend breakfast club, please email [email protected].

After School Care

After school care is available until 6.00pm for Pre-Prep pupils aged between 3 and 7 years old and also until 6.00pm for Prep Department boys. If you wish your child to attend after school care, please email [email protected]. The cost is £4.85 per half hour or part of and will be charged on the next term’s invoice.


Pupils in Year 3 and above with siblings at Bromley High School can enjoy minibus transport from Bromley High School to BPS every morning. Places will need to be booked via Wisepay. The cost of this service is free, however there are a limited amount of spaces.